Januar | 28 | 2025

Opening hours | deerBLNstudio

Tuesday – Friday 01 – 06pm | -ish
Saturday, Sunday 12 – 06pm | -ish
Due to possible appointments and art projects outside my studio, I kindly ask you to doublecheck via email or phone upfront. Thanks.

Februar | 4 | 2025

„DICH“ – we’re open now.

Check the ART section for more info.

Januar | 20 | 2025

25 is alive and kickin‘

Another (groups) show in SF opened last week. „SF on paper“ / We are opening a new temporary artspace in Berlin. „DICH“ / #berlindich. Opening February 1st. Fidicinstr. 6 / Berlin X-Berg. / More news to come. / Oh yes, and f*** the orange clown.

Dezember | 5 | 2024

Xmas Chaos Groupshow | FKKB Gallery

This exhibition celebrates the talents of FKKB artists, featuring a curated selection of artworks. Visitors will encounter established artists who have already left an indelible mark on the art scene and simultaneously, discover emerging talents. Artshow & curation.
Show is up until January 30, 2025.

Dezember | 4 | 2024

URBAN NATION Museum | MCL presents #5

Don’t miss this inspiring conversation on art, change, and the city!

As the year comes to a close, artist and author Nicholas Ganz speaks with the artists Marc Hennig and Christian Rothenhagen (deerBLN), as well as the curator at the Berlin Wall Foundation, Cornelia Thiele, about artistic responses to urban transformation.
The discussion will be held in German.

MCL Presents #5 | December 4, 2024
6pm | Martha Cooper Library at URBAN NATION Museum

November | 9 | 2024

Tonight! San Francisco! Opening of my solo „INTERIM“ | 2675 Mission St.

If you happen to be around – see you there. 5 – 9pm. Much love. ***

November | 3 | 2024

INTERIM Soloshow

Works by Christian Rothenhagen opens Nov 9th. Join us from 5-9pm for the opening reception at The Drawing Room: Mission. ⁠

Christian Rothenhagen, also known as deerBLN, is a fine artist and designer from Berlin, known for his architecture-focused drawings and installations. His work captures the evolving landscapes of both Berlin, his hometown, and San Francisco, his “home away from home.” We’re excited to welcome him back to SF for this show as we return to Mission Street, hosting our first exhibition back at 2675 Mission with deerBLN’s solo work!⁠

2675 Mission St,
San Francisco⁠
Date: November 9th⁠
Time: 5-9 PM⁠
This is a free event!⁠

Oktober | 24 | 2024


It’s been a little while since I added new items to my webshop. Here we go:
Giclée Prints, Art Prints, Magnets, New Stickers… Check the SHOP section if you like.

September | 23 | 2024

INTERIM | Save the date

Solo show / New body of artworks & mural
TheDrawingRoom / Re-opening / 2675 MISSION St / San Francisco
November 9, 2024 – January 5, 2025.

September | 16 | 2024

Last week of my soloshow „Zeichnungen“ at DIBt

Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik, Kolonnenstr. 30B, 10829 Berlin
Monday – Thursday, 2 – 7pm

Juli | 1 | 2024

IFA 100 years | The Exhibition

Acht Künstler, acht Themen:

@akut_herakut / ONLINE
@magdalenawiegner / CREATION
@rmyr.stencils / VIDEO
@so4melone / GAMES
@tapeoverberlin / HOME APPLIANCE
@vidamstudio / DIGITAL LIFESTYLE
@pisa73wastaken / AUDIO
@deerbln / RADIO

Christian Rothenhagen

29.06. – 17.08. 2024
Mo-Sa, 11 – 19:00 Uhr.

Budapester Str. 38-50
10787 Berlin


Mai | 28 | 2024

RUTHS „Urban Playground“

Group show / Art.Spring Festival Berlin. 1. & 2. Juni, 2pm –
RUTHS Berlin, Langhansstr. 126, 13086 Berlin

April | 11 | 2024


Ausstellung im Deutschen Institut für Bautechnik. 25.04. – 30.06.2024.

Vernissage am 25.04. von 17:00 bis 19:30 Uhr.

April | 11 | 2024

„Eine unmögliche Universität“

Die Viadrina im Stadtbild. Vernissage, 17.04.2024, 18:00 Uhr, Kleist Forum FFO.
Ausstellung mit Zeichnungen von Christian Rothenhagen. 18.04. – 19.05.2024 im Kleist Forum Frankfurt(Oder) und vom 20.06. – 20.07.2024 im Collegium Polonicum Slubice.
Informationen zum Buch.

Februar | 24 | 2024

A bunch…

Didn’t share much news for quite a while. There’s been a few shows running and upcoming, readings, murals, new skateboard designs and so on… Just flip through the pages and check my IG. Much love.

November | 16 | 2023

The Midway San Francisco

Greenroom complete make over. Mural, installation… Some pics.

Oktober | 19 | 2023

Lesung / Mini Solo at STUDIO TROUBLE

October 19, 7pm. Reading „Für immer ist morgen vorbei“ with a hand full of artworks hanging until November 2023.

September | 22 | 2023


Solo Show at x23 Gallery, Nathanaelstraße 7, 04177 Leipzig/Germany.
Opening, August 18, 6pm

Show is up until September 22, 2023 with a Finissage and reading as well.
Christian Rothenhagen „Für immer ist morgen vorbei“ starting 6:30pm, Sept. 22

Juli | 6 | 2023

Lesung & Gespräch „Für immer ist morgen vorbei“ (Deutsch) und „Berlin, so schnell“ Zeichnungen

Am 6.7.um 19:00 Uhr lese ich in der Wolfdietrich-Schnurre-Bilbliothek, Bildungszentrum am Antonplatz, Bizetstraße 27/41, 13088 Berlin. Zusätzlich wird es eine Ausstellung mit Berlin-Zeichnungen „Berlin, so schnell“ geben, die am Lesungstag eröffnet wird.


Juni | 7 | 2023

Lesung und Gespräch (Deutsch)

Freitag, 09.06. um 19:00 Uhr lese ich mit der wunderbaren @isobelmarkus in meiner Installation im Lichthof des @hotel_berlin_berlin am Lützowplatz aus „Für immer ist morgen vorbei“. Isobel liest aus „Stadt der ausgefallenen Leuchtbuchstaben“.

Hotel Berlin, Berlin
Lichthof / Ehem. Bora Bora (1. OG)

Am Lützowplatz 17, 10785 Berlin

Der Eintritt ist frei, es gibt Getränke und wir freuen uns dolle auf Euch.

Mai | 16 | 2023

Lesung und Gespräch (Deutsch)

Kurt Mühlenhaupt Museum, Fidicinstr. 40, Berlin Kreuzberg.
Christian Rothenhagen »Für immer ist morgen vorbei«
Mittwoch, 31. Mai. 2023, 19:00 Uhr


Mai | 9 | 2023

Lesung und Gespräch | REH | RaumErweiterungsHalle (Deutsch)

GEYERSBACH Kopenhagener Straße 17, 10437 Berlin
10.05.2023, Einlass 19:00 Uhr, Lesung 19:30 Uhr.

April | 27 | 2023

Leipziger Buchmesse 2023 | Lesung (Deutsch)

19:30 Uhr – Lesung in der X23-Galerie. 27.04.2023, Einlass 19:00 Uhr

April | 20 | 2023

Buchprämiere | FÜR IMMER IST MORGEN VORBEI (Deutsch)

Do 20.04.2023, 20:00 Uhr
Lesung / Gespräch / Buchprämiere

Christian Rothenhagen »Für immer ist morgen vorbei«
Moderiert von der wunderbaren @petragute | Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus


April | 19 | 2023

Buchvorstellung | FÜR IMMER IST MORGEN VORBEI (Deutsch)

Radio1 PopKulturMagazin. Moderation @knut.elstermann


April | 17 | 2023

Book Release | FÜR IMMER IST MORGEN VORBEI (Deutsch)

Christian Rothenhagen | Quintus Verlag | ISBN: 978-3-96982-070-4


März | 17 | 2023

FKKB Launch | Mural | Drawing Show | Print Release

Hotel Berlin, Berlin. Thursday, 23 March 2023. Starting from 18:00. With DJ JAH FISH.

The FKKB is an art collective with its clubhouse in the Hotel Berlin, Berlin.

März | 10 | 2023

PODCAST | Ludwig und Rothenhagen (Deutsch)

We like to think about things – and talk them out. We, that is Kirstin Ludwig and I.


Dezember | 17 | 2022

Some new uploads

Skateboard-designs, murals, installations. The year is about to end the busy way.
Much love.

November | 20 | 2022

Okay – this is quite a BIG thing for me. And personal too.

I wrote a book, based on personal experiences, disappointments, friendship, skateboarding, and art. Written down in 19 chapters. And with QUINTUS VERLAG I found a wonderful publisher to bring this baby to life with… Publication date will be during Leipzig Book Fair in April 2023.

Christian Rothenhagen / „FÜR IMMER IST MORGEN VORBEI“
ISBN 978-3-96982-070-4 / ISBN 978-3-96982-071-1


November | 18 | 2022

BIGGER things in the making

Litterally big and others that mean the world to me. I’ll keep you posted as soon as it gets.

There’s been a follow up show at THE DRAWING ROOM ANNEX with a bunch of my artworks from THREE in San Francisco. So happy about this. Huge murals in Berlin, still in the making, plus even a few more things cooking.

August | 15 | 2022

Some new uploads from San Francisco

I finally found a little time to upload a few pictures from our current art show THREE at The Midway Gallery, San Francisco. And also from the two murals I painted while being in SF this time. One at BARLEY SF and the other one at The DRAWING ROOM ANNEX, SF. Please see the ART section for more…

Juli | 21 | 2022

THREE Artshow, San Francisco, The Midway Gallery


3 Friends, 3 Cities, 3 perspectives. At The Midway
Opening reception August 5, 2022 



Juli | 11 | 2022

Just some updates

It’s been busy times lately – and I finally found the time to upload a few things I did recently. Some skateboard designs for LITTLE BOARDS brand, drawings for an URBAN NATION leporello, some media update, murals… There’s more to come. Stay tuned and safe.

März | 6 | 2022

Webshop Donations for Ukrainian Refugees

I will donate 20% of ALL my WEBSHOP sales to uno-fluechtlingshilfe.de/spenden-ukraine from March 1st 2022 until this war is over.

PEACE! Special artprint to support (50% of these Ukrainian version of my Love Bomb Print sales will be donated).https://shop.deerblnstudio.com/products

Januar | 16 | 2022

„THREE“ Artshow at The Midway Gallery, San Francisco

Due to the current Corona/Omicron situation the show is postponed to August 2022.

THREE artists: Zoe Ani, Jen Larkin, Christian Rothenhagen
THREE friends.
THREE cities: San Francisco, New York, Berlin.

Dezember | 24 | 2021

Happy Holidays & a wonderful 2022.

Be smart, be kind, and be safe. Take care of each other. We’re all in this together.

Much love. And please get your shots.

September | 20 | 2021

GO! GAME OVER Berlin Exhibition

Opening October 5, 2021.
Tuesday – Sunday, Noon – 8pm.
Nollendorfplatz 6, Berlin – Schöneberg.

August | 27 | 2021

REFLAECT Exhibition

Fernsehturm Berlin / Television Tower Berlin

August 12 – October 31, 2021

Mai | 14 | 2021

HARVEY MILK mural with @parisurteil | Teufelsberg Berlin

With this collaborative wall at the @teufelsberg.berlin @parisurteil and me want to honor the legacy of HARVEY MILK as an advocate for equality.

April | 4 | 2021

Spring in COVID times

Please be careful everyone. We are all in this together.
I am so looking forward to meet and hug you all…
Only empathy will bring us through this. Take care. One love.

Januar | 3 | 2021

Thank you / Donations

As mentioned in my last December NEWS post – I spent 50% of the ONLINE SHOP purchases of December 2020 to „Berliner Obdachlosenhilfe e.V.“
Thank you all and have a healthy 2021.

Dezember | 17 | 2020


Ooookay, I have to admit, it took ages, but we finally have an ONLINE SHOP. Prints, posters, gimmicks… yep! Check the SHOP section.
It’s already too late to send things on time before the holidays, BUT for every purchase placed in December 2020, I will donate 50% to „Berliner Obdachlosenhilfe e.V.“.
Intl. shipping will be a bit tricky these days, but we’ll work it out as well… Just contact me upfront.
Thanks and be safe,
Christian | deerBLN

Dezember | 12 | 2020

Solo Show and Installation | CIRCYLAR GALLERY

A visual journey to San Francisco.

Due to Covid-19 we won’t have a physical opening.
If you wanna see the show in person, please send an email to: gallery@circylar.com or DM @circylar_gallery and book your time slot.

Show runs until March 2021 – and „One person at a time in the Gallery“ – rule with mask!

Time slots from Noon to 6pm Monday till Friday – Weekend by special request.
See some first glimpse in the ART section.

September | 26 | 2020

Wimmelbild | Berliner Volksbank official photographs…

ILLUSTRATION: I just uploaded a huge „Wimmelbild“ I recently did for Gewobag. Visual concept description…
ART: Finally, I uploaded a hand full of official/professional photographs of „Berliner Volksbank Business HQ“…

Please see the sections for more info and pics.

Plus, there’s a bunch of things in the making. So stay tuned for more. Be safe y’all!

August | 18 | 2020

Design Concept BVB

I just uploaded some first pictures of a full design concept including mural painting / art installation / foil printing… I recently realised for Berliner Volksbank Business HQ Berlin. Please see the ART section for first pictures. More to follow.

August | 3 | 2020

Honey, Sweetness

One of a bunch of fun little ILLUSTRATION projects.

…and a whole bunch of other things in the making. Murals, concepts, illustrations… Stay tuned for news and pics. Peace – and be safe y’all!

Juli | 1 | 2020

STUDIO TIMES during Covid 19

Mostly by appointment. I – and I hope we all – still try to keep the distance to make sure we can hug each other soon again.

One person at a time. Please wear a mask and keep minimum 6ft distance… | Sorry, no exceptions.

deerBLNstudio | Bülowstr. 96 | 10783 Berlin

März | 21 | 2020


See the BLOGS or ILLUSTRATION page for more info on this.
Let’s collaborate, …work together and bring some color into this time of #socialdistance.
Stay safe!

März | 1 | 2020


Due to all the COVID-19 virus crazyness I will keep my studio (the physical deerBLNstudio on Bülowstr. / Berlin) closed until further notice.
I will work from home and you can reach me via email/mobile phone/FB/IG…
Art (and culture in general) is important – especially in these times.

Take care y’all. Help and keep an eye on each other. We’re all in this together.
One love. ❤️

Februar | 15 | 2020

deerBLNstudio Hours | TUESDAY – SUNDAY/ Afternoon Hours

…after COVID-19 again…

You are welcome to stop by for a studio visit at deerBLNstudio.

Many people ask me about my studio hours – since I have an open studio for everyone to see.

I am trying to be here about six days a week in the afternoon – approx. 1pm – 6pm. If you wanna double check – drop me a line or call me upfront.

The address is:
deerBLNstudio, BÜLOWSTR. 96/ 10783 BERLIN-Schöneberg

U2/ U1 U-Bhf: Nollendorfplatz

Februar | 5 | 2020

Some new MURALs in 2020

I just uploaded two murals I already did in 2020.
One – „The Museum Island / Berlin“ was a clients commission.

The other one was a fun collaboration with my friend and fellow artist Parisurteil. It’s a tribute to Heinrich Zille & Berlin.

Two murals – so much difference…

Dezember | 29 | 2019


I just uploaded a bunch of pictures of my last mural in 2019. Just finished it yesterday. Please see the ART section for pictures.

Cheers everybody! Happy 2020!

November | 9 | 2019


Artshow at Take A Butcher’s Gallery | Düsseldorf

René Meyer | rmyr
Stefan Winterle
Christian Rothenhagen | deerBLN

Show’s up until December 31, 2019

Oktober | 1 | 2019


It’s that time of the year again and as every year I am in San Francisco for about a month.

I was painting murals – from huge (the MIDWAY SF) to small (The Drawing Room) and draw pretty much every day. Too much to write down here.

Some of my artworks on display during SF Open Studios at the Drawing Room on 23rd St/Mission from October 25…

Much love.

September | 7 | 2019

ARTBASE PICs | Illustration…

Just added some new stuff at ART and ILLUSTRATION lately… Busy days.

Juli | 15 | 2019

RIDE THE DRAGON Shanghai | China

K11 & Skateboardmuseum Berlin are presenting a spectecular Urban Arts Show featuring the legends Steve Caballero and Tony Alva.
Starring Artists in alphabetical order:
Marcos Cabrera
Dave The Chimp
Jeremy Fish
Andy Howell
Andy Jenkins
Natas Kaupas
Lilo Krebernik
Jahan Loh
Panda Mei
Christian Rothenhagen | deerBLN
Senor Schnu
Sergei Vutuc
And X The Art of Skateboarding
Created by: Jürgen Blümlein
Produced by: Jochen Küpper
Sponsored by: VANS

Juli | 2 | 2019

ARTBASE Festival 2019

I am painting at ARTBASE Festival 2019. Painted a couple of days already, but there’s still tons of work to do to finish my murals and intallation work at this beautiful place.

Festival dates: August 30 – Sept.01 | 2019

April | 27 | 2019


Turning a former 4-story parking garage into an art-space. Hosted by the DIXONS. See the ART section for a bunch of pics.

April | 11 | 2019


Opening of a new art venue in Berlin. CULTURE POP STUDIO, hosted by StreeArtBerlin. At Potsdamer Platz/ Gebrüder-Grimm-Gasse.

Some of my artworks made it to those new fine walls.

März | 24 | 2019


Yay. Street Art Berlin wrote an artist feature on me. Text by Katia Hermann. Thanks tons.

Februar | 22 | 2019

Packing Artworks

For Art Up! Artfair, Lille, France with Luisa Catucci Gallery.

Januar | 1 | 2019

Happy New Year!

Peace and Love and Healthiness to all of you.
And – don’t forget to keep your inner child alive and busy.

Dezember | 23 | 2018

San Francisco Murals | MIDWAY SF

The week before X-Mas I painted two more murals in San Francisco.
I painted an urban world inside the (former) Green Room of „The MIDWAY SF“ main stage.
Plus an outside mural at „The MIDWAY SF“ as well.
So much fun – so little time.

November | 9 | 2018


I painted the whole ROLL UP Gallery, SAN FRANCISCO and turned it into MURAL INSTALLATION. Opening reception was November 9. Show is up until March 2019.

Plus – MURALs at PUBLIC WORKS, San Francisco. Indoors at lounge area upstairs and the outside front Mural of the club.
Please see the ART section for some first pictures.

Oktober | 1 | 2018


I painted a hotel room at HOTEL BERLIN, BERLIN. Besides from that there was the re-opening of Urban Nation/ New Bomb Love t-shirt release (classic division)/ new mini artprint/ stickers … and a whole bunch of things happening.
Flip through the pages or if you’re around – just come over for a coffee and a chat at the deerBLNstudio…

September | 6 | 2018

URBAN ART WEEK 06. – 12. September

OPEN STUDIO at deerBLNstudio as an official part of Urban Art Week Berlin.
Special Art Print release.

Weekdays from 1 – 6pm (before and after by appointment)

September | 3 | 2018


2018 is a good year. Please flip through the pages…

Best | One Love

Juni | 25 | 2018


I am uploading recent projects every other day. Illustration, Art… So many things been done and/ or are in the making.

BRIGITTE Wir Magazine, ALLOY beer, GROTH Gruppe, MUCA…

Graphic Recording, Illustration, Walls, Art…

April | 20 | 2018


Stay focussed for a whole bunch of good things soon to come. Walls, Corporate, Conceptional…
Plus – SPRINGTIME is here! Yay!

Januar | 31 | 2018


„unity in diversity | Einheit In Vielfalt“. Group Show at BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt.
ART section
H32 | Scaling Spaces…, SIEMENS Mural… ILLUSTRATION section.
Please flip through the pages for more info and photos.

Dezember | 26 | 2017

NEW WORKS and Happy Holidays!

A whole body of illustrations for the current WERTE Magazin.
Please see the ILLUSTRATION section for pics and info.

I was asked to paint a whole floor themed on „urban“ and with the primary color „red“ at H32 Berlin. Please see the ART section for pics and infos.

November | 26 | 2017


Just uploaded some recent works. Way more to come. Busy days….

Oktober | 14 | 2017


„Crossed Lines“
St. Monci, Chris Stokes, Christian Rothenhagen.

Luna Rienne Gallery, San Francisco.

October 14 until November 13, 2017.

More info: www.lunarienne.com

September | 16 | 2017

URBAN NATION Museum For Urban Contemporary Art Opening

Opening September 16, 2017.
This Saturday it becomes real. Big props to everyone being involved. So great to be part of this.

August | 3 | 2017


Bigger scale drawings. Brecht-Haus Berlin, Literaturforum, Chausseestrasse 125, 10115 Berlin.
06 – 20pm/ 18:00 – 22:00 Uhr

Juli | 25 | 2017


Thanks to The HAUS, thanks to the DIXONS, The HAUSmeisters, The FAMILY, thanks to Eugene from Millionmotions.com for the Photographs.

Please see the ART section for pictures of my floor/ installation.

The HAUS is dead/ long live The HAUS.

Juli | 1 | 2017


Indoor mural painting, „lift landings“ at HOTEL BERLIN BERLIN.


Outdoor mural collaboration with AKTE One at „Hauptstadtlounge“.

Mai | 19 | 2017

„WE BROKE NIGHT“ Urban Nation Pre-Opening

I am blessed to be one of the artists being part of the URBAN NATION (Museum For Urban Contemporary Art) family. „We Broke Night“ a pre-opening show.

Please see the ART section for my wall / piece Intallation.

Mai | 7 | 2017


The HAUS(meisters) teamed up with BERLINER MORGENPOST to create „The ZEITUNG“.

See the ART section for pics and info. Yay!

April | 21 | 2017


Opening reception – April 21, 6pm
Bigger scale drawings. Brecht-Haus Berlin, Literaturforum, Chausseestrasse 125, 10115 Berlin.

April | 2 | 2017


Selected works in a „Black Cube Room“

Please see the ART section for Pics and info.

März | 1 | 2017

ARTSHOWS / ARTprojects

There are a whole bunch of ART projects these days…

– ARTRIUM pop-up artshow (at TheHAUS) Berlin.
Opening reception / Wed, March 22…

– I am taking part in the amazingly mind blowing TheHAUS project – opening April 1st… www.thehaus.de

– SOLO SHOW „Mein Berlin – AUS DER ZEIT GEFALLEN“ at Literatur-Forum / Bertolt-Brecht-Haus / Berlin. Opening will be the 21st. of April.

– I am taking part in „What The Weekend Is Gallery 2“ at ALTE MÜNZE / April 22 – May 1

– A 3-artist show at LUNA RIENNE GALLERY / San Francisco in October 2017…

…just to name a few. Stay tuned for details.

Januar | 23 | 2017


Six magazine covers | A whole set of illustrations | Full size artist feature | Interview.

See the ILLUSTRATION section for a few pics and link.

Januar | 1 | 2017


This year will bring a lot of changes – and as always I am keeping my fingers crossed for the good things in life for all of us.

There are some Solo shows lining up this year – first one in Berlin in April. I’ll keep you informed… and myself busy working on and for ‚em.

Besides from that – loads of clients work and side projects.

Stay tuned. One Love!

Dezember | 1 | 2016


I’ve been asked several times when I will do some t-shirts again… So I did. Printed a ltd. edition of screen printed (dis-charged print) on garments. People seem to like them a lot – they sell like sweets at Halloween.

ART section

Oktober | 1 | 2016


Time is flying and I am back from my second SF trip this year already. Brought a bunch of drawings and news with me. Stay tuned for some awesome things to happen soon. See the ART section for a few drawing pics…

Despite the Trump craze of course. No words…

September | 22 | 2016


If you happen to be in the Frankfurt area – I’d be more than happy to see you there.
It’s gonna be a nice little show mainly on a body of work I did on Toronto a while back. Plus some recent pieces as well.

Opening: September | 22 | 2016

KOMBINATROTWEISS, Große Rittergasse 33, 60594 Frankfurt

September | 15 | 2016


„Gallery2“ has assembled an accrochage that brings together big city artists and artists who love the big city in order to show their views of the metropolis.

Opening: September | 15 | 2016

Auguststrasse 2, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Angela Rohde, AudeRrose & Brent Sqar, Cee Pil, Christian Rothenhagen, Duong Thuy Duong, Elif Arat, Julia Maier, Marina Zumi, Michelle Breda, Teresa Esteban Gomez

September | 4 | 2016


We rearranged the website a bit. Changed the Menue and organized everything in a slightly different, but more clear way. Former LOGO and CORPORATE became „CORPORATE DESIGN“, and „GRAPHIC RECORDING“ was added as an extra Menue point to make it easier to find what you might look for. Feel free to flip through the pages.

Juli | 29 | 2016


„Operation Baked Beans“ / This years theme. Task was to design a label for a 2,5 kg bean can. Damn tricky, but super fun. Pictures coming soon…

Juli | 5 | 2016


Please see the ART section for some pics of my contribution piece and the art catalogue.

Juli | 1 | 2016


The Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, visited my studio. See the ART section for a few pics.

Mai | 17 | 2016


I just uploaded a few first photos of Graphic Recording / Visual Recording we did during a business conference last week (We, me and a team I put together / working parallel on different topics).

Please see the ILLUSTRATION section.

März | 15 | 2016


San Francisco | 2016. The good life.
Please check the ART section for some recent drawings.

Februar | 18 | 2016


I just uploaded some new works I did recently, mainly ILLUSTRATION. A whole bunch of things to come – stay tuned.

Januar | 20 | 2016


Opening reception, Wed. / January / 20 / 7 – 10pm
Show runs from January 21 – 31.
FauxAmi PopUp Gallery / Leipziger Str. 63 / 10117 Berlin

Please see the ART section for pics…

November | 30 | 2015


I’ve been invited to contribute to the latest gimmick by my friends at VANTAGE POINT RADIO – made for ART BASEL / Miami.


November | 13 | 2015


1st BERLIN GLOBAL FORUM / BMW Foundation / Please see the ILLUSTRATION Section for pics and info.

Oktober | 5 | 2015

SCANDIC Emporio Hamburg

Room #707 | „The San Francisco Room“. I painted this hotel room for Viva Con Agua | Millerntor Gallery. SCANDIC Emporio Hamburg | Germany. Please see the ART section for info and a few pics.

Oktober | 4 | 2015

OPEN STUDIO at deerBLNstudio

deerBLNstudio | Christian Rothenhagen teams up with Ray Mann to produce a unique audio-visual afternoon. Drop in between 4pm and 9pm for some multimedia goodness.

Indie soul musician and visual artist Ray Mann has supported Al Green, Tori Amos, Jamie Lidell, Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings, De La Soul, Lauryn Hill, Aloe Blacc, Roy Ayers and many more. For this collaboration, Ray Mann will perform in solo electronic mode, sharing new tunes and remixing older tracks.


August | 28 | 2015

30 Years of the SCREAMING HAND

An Art show celebrating thirty years of the SCREAMING HAND. A tribute to the artist Jim Phillips and a skateboarding icon. Gallery KONZULAT / Berlin.

I contributeda piece to the show / Thank you skateboarding!

Juli | 2 | 2015


/ Heiligengeistfeld 1 / 20359 Hamburg / Germany

*Unfamiliar – the potential of perspectives*

The topic of the Millerntor Gallery #5 is ‘unfamiliar’ and so is the Millerntor Gallery itself. It is a gallery, an art space and cultural festival in a football stadium – all to inspire and connect people to get socially involved.

‘Unfamiliar’ can be something strange, something unknown, something irritating. The Millerntor Gallery collective wants to raise curiosity and focus on social topics. New or old, black or white, commercial or non-profit and everything in between: It’s all a question of perspective. A change of perspective can sometimes change the thing itself.

Our intent is to offer this experience of transition to all the participants. We want to promote a discourse of the potential of perspectives.

Mai | 26 | 2015

BREND & WOODS Art Gallery | Antwerp

Yay! I am happy to announce that I am working with BREND & WOODS Art Gallery / Antwerp.


Mai | 12 | 2015


ART section / or check out my Artist profile / Interview / video… at artvergnuegen.com

Mai | 6 | 2015


Please see the ART section for pics and info. Live drawing / Artshow…

April | 21 | 2015

‚City Minded Artshow‘ / SF

I am back in Berlin and just uploaded a bunch of pictures from the opening to the ART section. The show is still up until May 10.
If you happen to be in SF these days – Luna Rienne Gallery, 3318 22nd St. / at Valencia / 94110 San Francisco, CA

Opening days:
Thursday to Monday, 12:00 to 06:00pm

April | 11 | 2015


At LUNA RIENNE Gallery / San Francisco.

The Opening Reception is on Saturday, April 11, 2015 from 06:00 to 09:00pm.

A group show featuring Ursula Xanthe Young, Christian Rothenhagen, Paul Madonna, and Ricky Watts.

März | 1 | 2015

San Francisco

…it’s about time. I am coming again. A bunch of awesome things to come – ART. I will keep you posted.

Januar | 5 | 2015

ARTIST FEATURE / Glasshouse Project

Yayay. I got an artist introduction / feature at the glasshouse project tumblr page. Check it out anyways!

Dezember | 6 | 2014


I am gonna have my studio doors wide open today / „Open Studio“ / December 6 / 3 – 9pm / If you happen to be around – come over for a coffee / beer / chat.

Dezember | 6 | 2014


Standing happy and proud to announce working with such an amazing group of artists on this project. See the ART SECTION for some first glimpse. More pics and info soon…

November | 12 | 2014

A few new works

I just uploaded a few new things / new publications in LOGO works / … / ILLUSTRATION… / more to come soon / busy days / a lot of teaching lately…

Oktober | 16 | 2014


I am happy to be part of this project! / See the ART section for pictures…

As much as we want to think that it is easy to get along with everyone, we can’t ignore that there are still some cultural differences that all of us face every day in our cities around the world. Our Social Cities One Wall – One Love series this October titled ‘Colors of my home‘ is dedicated to the people living in a multi culture housing complex in Berlin. Inhabitants and neighbours are dealing with the sometimes challenging aspects of understanding different customs all under one roof.

This is not always easy as we all know. Not only but often mostly language barriers are what gets in the way of mutual understanding and is what breeds fear or misconceptions.
However, there is always one language that we all understand:
ART. Communication within and through images, objects and colors.

With the strong and ongoing support of these artists:


Oktober | 2 | 2014

SF Solo Show / Drawings

I am having a little solo show here in San Francisco at BOOK & JOB Gallery. Opening October 2nd | 5 – 10pm. See the ART section for pictures. Yay!

September | 4 | 2014

ARTWORK FOR BIG BROBOTs 10th. Anniversary

„Big Brobot’s Universe“. Stay tuned for venue and dates. Coming up September 2014. You can have a glimpse on my contribution piece at the ART section…

August | 18 | 2014


A bunch of new clients work / will be uploaded soon. New artworks / in the making / upload soon. San Francisco housing swap / time out to do new artworks on this lovely city / this fall. Open studio / coming soon. New stickers / artprints / … / Stay tuned!

August | 18 | 2014

Dr. Sketchy at deerBLNstudio

We had some special guests here at deerBLN-studio last weekend.
See the ART section for a few pictures.

August | 16 | 2014

STRYCHNIN Gallery’s 10 year Anniversary Show „ALL (My) STARS“

Tonight is the night! Strychnin’s 10th birthday! Come by – let’s celebrate!

Check the super heavy lineup of artists showing their work tonight!:
David Hochbaum, Mandy Tsung, Pisa 73, Monika Viktoria, Naomi Nowak, Alaric Hammond, ABCNT, Colin Burns, Allen Douglas, Mimi S., Hsiao Ron Cheng, Miss Mindy, Miss Van, Archer Dougherty, Kristen Ferrell, Chris Dean, Dilka Bear, Liz McGrath, Nomi Chi, David Stoupakis, Marina Bychkova, Virginie Ropars, Sophie Bastien, Wee Flowers, Redd Walitzki, Chris Collins, CarolinaToscano, Daniel Van Nes, Raf Veulemans, Miraschi, Ocoze, Cliff Wallace, Skeleton Heart, Seymour, Bethany Marchman, Christian Rothenhagen, Christine Polis, Doktor A., Elena and Ekaterina Popovy, Fancois Escalmel, Luisa Catucci, Benjamin Vierling, Jon Jaylo, Lisa Mei Ling Fong, Yosuke Ueno, Chet Zar, Seiko Kato, Lydia Dekker, Erica Rose Levine, Kris Kuksi, Sonya Fu, Brian Horton, Adam Oehlers, Yoko D’Holbachie, Scott Holloway, Monique Ligons, Greg Haberny, Elmer Presslee, Mark Ryden, Scott Radke, Bijoux, Katya Tal, Boris+Natascha, David Thierree, Marcus Poston, Chris von Steiner, Nathalie Shau, Jason Limon, Marco Rea, Niark1, Chris Brett, Carisa Swenson, Richard Kirk, Hara Katziki, Nanami Cowdroy, Nick Sheehy, Sean Pierce, Ver Mar, Saturno Butto’, Annie Bertram, Heather Gargon, JBAK, Meredith Dittmar, Kathryn Carr, Eliza Bolli, Akiza, Virginia Mori, Leila Ataya, Robert Tirado, Nom Kinnear King, Forgotten Hearts, Chris Guarino, Citron Rouge, Kasey Tararuj, Maria Rubinke, Wolfgang Petrick, Lola, Scott Hove, Fernanda Veron, Squp, Ben Godi, Duma, Louis Fleischauer, ELLE, Sit, Reka One & many more

März | 21 | 2014


Yes, finally. I opened an account a week or so ago. Art / Drawings… Check instagram.com/deerbln

März | 17 | 2014


Curated (by THINKSPACE GALLERY LA / and URBAN NATION Berlin) pop-up exhibit and mural project as part of Project M/4 with Urban Nation

Opening Reception:
Sat., May 17th 8PM-Midnight

Februar | 2 | 2014


Episode 003 with Christian Rothenhagen (deerBLN)
February 2, 2014
Airs Monday Feb 3, 2014 at 3pm on www.berlincommunityradio.com
or listen to it here.

Januar | 31 | 2014


Stay tuned and hyped and whatever else. Cheers to the city! Standing proud and strong with such a range of international artists. BOOOOM / UN!

Januar | 26 | 2014


2014 will bring a bunch of changes. First and biggest change will be – I am moving studios. Bye bye deerSTUDIO / deerBAR / you beautiful, raw and f***d up space. We spent almost six years together. I will definitely drop some tears when giving back the keys by the end of January… BUT – my new studio is awesome, totally different, has some gallery space to even show my artwork, has a shop front and a messy room in the back… changes. Big time. I am excited – indeed!… deerBLNstudio 2014!

HOUSEWARMING: February 1st. 3 – 9pm. Come by! Bülowstr. 96 / Berlin-Schöneberg.

Dezember | 24 | 2013

Merry XMas and an awesome 2014 everyone!

Dezember | 16 | 2013

The Re | view

An interview / artist feature on me. Check the ART section for the link.

Dezember | 3 | 2013


Open Studio / X-Mas Sale /
Sat. NOVEMBER 30 / 3 – 7pm.
Sat. DECEMBER 14 / 3 – 7pm.
deerSTUDIO /Torstr. 224 / 10115 Berlin | We gotta move places in January…

November | 12 | 2013


„Pieces of my beloved Berlin“ / Cardboard installation at the Great Salt Lake / Utah and on Antelope Island. Please see the ART section for pics.

November | 11 | 2013

CARROT GOD / Collaboaration

A collaboration we just recently did in Salt Lake City / Utah. Please see the ART section for pics and info.

Oktober | 17 | 2013


My submission / illustration for an upcoming project with Zeixs Verlag / publisher. A wooden box with illustrated recipes / cards. See the ILLUSTRATION section for more info and link.

Oktober | 11 | 2013


Just put up a few limited ART PRINTS / Fridge Magnets / Sticker Packs / … and there are still some copies of my METROPOLITAN Book left. Every purchase gets a free DVD and Sticker.
Please find my ETSY-Shop-Link at the BLOGS section.

August | 30 | 2013


See the ART section for a few pics from the opening. More to come soon.

August | 28 | 2013


Urban art, drawing, painting, photography, illustration and collage by 102 Berlin artists. A book, an exhibition tour and a labor of love. Please see the ART section for pics, info and link.

August | 20 | 2013

ALL (My) STARS / STRYCHNINs 10th. Anniversary / Opening Pics

Please check the ART section for some opening pics. Strychnin Gallery’s 10th. Anniversary Show is up until September!

August | 11 | 2013

Project M

DEERBLN standing strong with: FAILE / SIT / ELLE / SAGE VAUGHN / JBAK / MIMI S. / RAEMANN / LUISA CATUCCI. / …see the ART section for some photos. If you’re in Berlin – check it out. It’s on Bülowstr / Zietenstr. More info soon!

Juli | 29 | 2013


The Potsdam School project: GUIDANCE SYSTEM is finally online. See the ILLUSTRATION section for photographs and the CORPORATE section for icons and floor plans. Plus, I uploaded a few other works recently. Busy times…yay!

Juni | 28 | 2013


It’s been a while since I wrote my last news here. I’ve been flooded with work the last months. Which is awesome – don’t get me wrong! I literally just didn’t have the time to do much aside. Just uploaded some new jobs and will continue to do so in the near future. Plus – I fulfilled one of my childhood dreams by building my own miniramp! Yesss!

ILLUSTRATIVE 13 / STRYCHNIN Gallery’s10th. Anniversary… just to name a few things I am working on yet… – so many things this summer. Stay tuned for pics and info.

April | 17 | 2013


We missed the spring this year somehow. Anyways – the sun’s out, it’s getting warm and there’s a bunch of awesomeness coming up this year. Stay tuned – I will keep you all posted!
One love, Christian°°°

März | 3 | 2013


There’s still a stack of the METROPOLITAN books left here. So get yours while supplies last
(Ltd. on 150 copies, more than half of them is gone…). Plus – stickers, stickers, stickers.
Want? Let me know!

Februar | 2 | 2013


I am proud to support HATCH Stickermuseum and SKATEISTAN. Saturday, Feb. 2 at SUPERPLAN Berlin. Standing tall next to giants like The London Police, Dave the Chimp, AUTO64, Kazmonavt, Prostie, Haevi, Undenk and many more. Just to name a few. For pics of my contribution piece see the ART section …

Februar | 1 | 2013


Yes, the show is still up. And after quite long XMas holidays we decided to celebrate it again with a FINISSAGE. Save the date. Friday, FEBRUARY 1st. from 6pm – 10pm. Strychnin gallery Berlin. We will have some live music as well. „FOOOL“ is playing some solo guitar gig. YAY! Be there or be square!

Dezember | 24 | 2012

Merry Xmas!

I wish you all a merry Xmas and a wonderful, peaceful, sunny, healthy, bright and funny, and all in all awesome 2013! Hugs, Christian

Dezember | 9 | 2012

Show Opening Pictures / METROPOLITAN at STRYCHNIN Gallery, Berlin

I just uploaded a bunch of photographs of the opening last Friday, Dec, 7. See the ART section for pics. The gallery will be closed during Christmas holidays til early January. The show is up until February, 2 / 2013.

Dezember | 7 | 2012


„METROPOLITAN“ BOOK RELEASE during the opening of my solo on Dec. 7. Comes in a box. Limited on 150 pieces. Signed and numbered / 156 pages plus DVD (collaboration with my friend and fellow artist AUTO64) and free sticker. So stay tuned. Want one? Send me an Email to get your copy…

Opening reception and book release will be December 7, 2012 at Strychnin Gallery Berlin. The show is up until February, 2 / 2013.

Oktober | 7 | 2012


My friends from dailybuttons.de sent the first button with my illustration on it to stratosphere. Yay! For pics and the youtube-clip see the ILLUSTRATION section.

Oktober | 3 | 2012


My buddy Johannes Baptista Ludwig started an Art FanZine and invited me to contribute.

See the ART section for pics and download info.

September | 21 | 2012


Being back in Berlin – I am still working on my upcoming METROPOLITAN Solo Show. There will also be a Group Show in the VAULT (with a whole bunch of amazing artists that will blow your minds…) which I curate, themed on the same topic – win win! Stay tuned and save the date.

September | 3 | 2012


I spent pretty much the whole August in San Francisco – doing arts. I got an awesome art studio there and did a whole body of work for my „Metropolitan“ solo later this year. There’s an online blog I just set up to keep all my peeps updated.

Please see the BLOG section. Love from Cali!

Juli | 14 | 2012


and Pop Up Show at Strychnin Gallery / Berlin. Featuring printed work by Shepard Fairey & Studio Number One with Photography by Patrick O’Dell. Limited Edition Poster Sets by Harry Brack, Mimi S., Seymour, Pisa73, Luisa Carlucci and me, myself and I – Christian Rothenhagen. See the ART section for pics and info…

Opening Reception: 5th. of July 2012, 7pm.

Juni | 5 | 2012

SF / BLN / Housing Swap

I’ll be in San Francisco again for a bunch of weeks this summer. Looking forward meeting friends and having a great time doing arts and cruise the city. Yay!

April | 3 | 2012

TOKYO LOVE SHOW / Keep A Breast / Japan

Keep A Breast / Japan TOKYO LOVE SHOW. Group Breast Cast Exhibition For Breast Cancer Awareness. Opening reception: May 24th 2012 / Space O at Omotesando Hills / Tokyo / Japan.

Please Check the ART section for some photographs of my contribution / artwork.

März | 27 | 2012


Coming very soon: Art-Collaboration with BEACH ACCESS and KEEP A BREAST. See some glimpse / pics in the ART section. Stay tuned – Cheers, Christian!

März | 16 | 2012


Group Show at STRYCHNIN Gallery BERLIN. Opening reception: March | 16 | 2012 | 7pm.
For this exhibition over 50 internationally renowned artists have put their visions, styles and ideas onto hearts manufactured by the British porcelain innovators of THE NEW ENGLISH.

These one of a kind artworks will be displayed in a traveling exhibition, which will kick off at Strychnin Gallery Berlin.

März | 16 | 2012


After being one of the curators of BLOOOM Art Fair since day one in 2010, I have decided to leave the team to focus on my personal projects. Some differences and changes have been the reason for coming to this decision.

Being part of BLOOOM has been fun and a great experience and I hope it will keep on growing in the future.

März | 1 | 2012


Finally! After weeks and weeks of hard work – it’s time for the all new WEBSITE RELAUNCH!

I tried to bring everything together / to draw an outline of what I do. …CORPORATE and LOGO works, ILLUSTRATIONs, my ART shown in galleries…, and even the BLOGS and side projects I am working on. Pretty much the whole range in a quite minimalistic surface.

Sometimes it’s a little hard to categorize. For example some of the ILLUSTRATION works are pretty CORPORATE and vice versa… Plus – I only show some selected works here… The works shown on this website are not always in chronological order – ‚cause some oldies are goldies…


Best, Christian