Monat: Januar 2014
Januar | 31 | 2014
Stay tuned and hyped and whatever else. Cheers to the city! Standing proud and strong with such a range of international artists. BOOOOM / UN!
Januar | 26 | 2014
2014 will bring a bunch of changes. First and biggest change will be – I am moving studios. Bye bye deerSTUDIO / deerBAR / you beautiful, raw and f***d up space. We spent almost six years together. I will definitely drop some tears when giving back the keys by the end of January… BUT – my new studio is awesome, totally different, has some gallery space to even show my artwork, has a shop front and a messy room in the back… changes. Big time. I am excited – indeed!… deerBLNstudio 2014!
HOUSEWARMING: February 1st. 3 – 9pm. Come by! Bülowstr. 96 / Berlin-Schöneberg.