Monat: Juli 2019
Juli | 15 | 2019
RIDE THE DRAGON Shanghai | China
K11 & Skateboardmuseum Berlin are presenting a spectecular Urban Arts Show featuring the legends Steve Caballero and Tony Alva.
Starring Artists in alphabetical order:
Marcos Cabrera
Dave The Chimp
Jeremy Fish
Andy Howell
Andy Jenkins
Natas Kaupas
Lilo Krebernik
Jahan Loh
Panda Mei
Christian Rothenhagen | deerBLN
Senor Schnu
Sergei Vutuc
And X The Art of Skateboarding
Created by: Jürgen Blümlein
Produced by: Jochen Küpper
Sponsored by: VANS
Juli | 2 | 2019
ARTBASE Festival 2019
I am painting at ARTBASE Festival 2019. Painted a couple of days already, but there’s still tons of work to do to finish my murals and intallation work at this beautiful place.
Festival dates: August 30 – Sept.01 | 2019